Sunday, July 20, 2008

Three Months Old and Finally Back Home!

It's always nice to see my Houston family, but I really missed my daddy and he missed me even more, so it was nice to go back home. Plus it's much quieter at my house than it is at Grandma's house!! All those teenagers can make a lot of noise!

And I finally got to play on my tummy again!! Those big dogs Grandma has are always in my way at her house so mostly I just get held all the time (not that I mind that one bit!)

And guess what?!? I learned how to roll over!! Watch me! Rolling over is the BEST!

When I'm not playing around, mommy likes to dress me up!!! Silly mommy!

I get a little bored with it though! At least I have Aphrodite to keep me company since clearly my mother is a little crazy!

But I do have pretty dresses! See???

Mommy's not all bad least she can make me laugh!

And Daddy is pretty cool too! He lets me cook breakfast with him! Sometimes I'm a little lazy and I don't hold my head up the whole time!

My other favorite thing to do is play outside! I love to go for walks in my front carriers and I LOVE it when Mommy and Daddy take me to the park to play!!

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