Tuesday, November 11, 2008

6 Months Old

At six months old I have mastered sitting, crawling, pulling up and standing!

I still spend my days playing! And hanging out with Mommy and Aphrodite.

And I went to a baby shower for mommy's friend Anissa. The people there loved me...of course! We went with Auntie Elitza and it was fun! Mommy handed me to Anissa and Michael so they could practice with a real baby girl!! Alessia will be here soon and then I can play with her too!

I've also been practicing my laugh! Listen...

And Christmas came a little early this year...or at least one gift did! Here's my cool new slide from Grandma and Grandpa!

One last pic as usual...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a big girl now! Time sure does fly!