Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween and Homecoming in Houston

I tried my Halloween costume on a little early...just to make sure it fit well! Aren't I so so cute?

When I lay down on my belly and crawl I look like a real bunny!

But before Halloween, I went to Houston! I got a new toy, played with the dogs and had lots of fun! My new toy is going to help me walk...but before that I am using the box to practice standing up! I'm getting really good at pulling up on things!

Here is a video of me showing off my new tricks...mostly sitting with a little crawling! And one of me playing with Penny...or maybe I was kind of attacking her!

I got to go to all the Homecoming festivities! First, I had to get all bundled up for the Homecoming Parade where they threw candy at me from the tops of fire engines! It was a very cold day!

And I got to hang out at the library while Grandma voted!!! Now I'm really getting good at standing and cruising!

On Friday I got all dressed up in my spirit clothes for the Homecoming Carnival!!

Everyone loved me! And they were all making lots of noise and had shiny ribbons for me to chew on!

And of course Mommy made me my own Mum for the game! It was pink this year!! To match my costume since the game was on Halloween night! (Mommy says next year we will trick or treat...whatever that means)

I spent most of the football game chewing on it! What a great present!

And of course I got to hang out with all the coolest people! Like my Grandpa

And Mommy's favorite high school teacher Mrs. Smith!

And my Mommy!

And then I also got to spend a little time with my Auntie Beetle!

It was a great way to spend Halloween!!! Want one more picture???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That might be the most adorable costume ever with the most adorable little girl in it EVER! So cute!