Monday, September 1, 2008

A New Bed from my Great Grandma!

I am getting a little too old and much too big for my bassinet!!

But that's ok, because I have the best great Grandma! She bought me a new crib to sleep in!!! As soon as it arrived and Daddy and Tio Joseph put it together (with help from Tia Joanna and Mommy) me and Dite wanted to play in it!

Mommy isn't ready for me to sleep in it at night yet, but I've been taking my naps in it! Well, kind is some video of what I do when Mommy thinks I'm "napping"...

And this weekend we took some more pictures with my crib! Now all we need to do is get some pictures on my walls and buy pretty bedding for me!

I've got some toys to play with when I wake up too! And sometimes Dite likes to visit with me while I play in my new crib!


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