Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Leilani!!

Mommy and Daddy were expecting me to come sometime between April 23rd and May 4th (those are the two due dates that the doctor gave them...). See me waving??

but I had my own plans and decided to make my entrance on April 20th! Mommy and Daddy were so surprised by it that they didn't even realize that what Mommy was feeling were real contractions!! They hadn't been to the hospital yet so they drove around in circles for awhile looking for an entrance while Mommy screamed...ALOT!!

My Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Beetle drove really fast all the way from Houston and got there just in time to help me come out!! Mommy was very thankful for that!

I know I wanted to get out of that belly, but as soon as I did everything was very crazy. People were all over the place, it was very bright, and well...I'm not so sure I liked it.

But you know what? Things got better and Mommy immediately wanted to hold me (Daddy was too busy texting...silly Daddy!!)

My Grandpa was super excited to meet me! Yah, he loves me already!!

I didn't fit into any of the clothes that everyone had bought for me because I was much smaller than they expected! A special shopping trip had to be made so I could have something to wear! I look pretty good in them!

I stayed in mommy's hospital room with her the whole time but we didn't stay long! The day after I was born I got to go to my new home!

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