Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mommy's Promises to her Leilani

To my beautiful little Leilani,

For a very long time I have wanted nothing else but a daughter of my own! I knew that she would be made up of everything that is good in me and everything that is good in her father. I never imagined that the reality would be you! You are perfect in every way. Beautiful, sweet, funny and so very special.

There's something to be said about a first-born child and you are extra special because of it. You are loved and wanted and I am just so ridiculously happy to finally have you to hold and cuddle!! I know that we will make many wonderful memories together...memories that I will always cherish.

I'm sure that there will be times in your life when we don't get along so well...mommies and their children sometimes fight and get mad at one another. But I want you to know a few things now so that when those days happen you will still know how much I really do love and care for you!

I promise that no matter what you do I will always love you! I promise that I will always be here for you to come to with any problems you might have. Big or small, know that I will trust you and that I will never judge you. I promise to tell you everyday that I love you! I promise to provide for all your needs...I will feed you, clothe you, care for you and you will always have a home with me! I might not always be able to get you everything you WANT though! I promise to be your mother and your friend....but your mother first always!

You are still just a baby but you are everything that I ever wanted and more. I cannot imagine my life without you. I look forward to watching you continue to learn and grow into the beautiful woman I know you will become!

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