Sunday, April 27, 2008

Time to go Home!!

Mommy really didn't like being at the hospital so she convinced her doctor and my doctor that we should get to go home early! Yay!! But I was so tiny I barely fit in the carseat!!! Look how they had to pack me in with blankets and washcloths!! Good thing daddy learned a lot from the carseat safety class so he knew how to do it!

When I got home my sister, Aphrodite, was so happy to see me!! She loves me already, but sometimes she has trouble sharing me with mommy...

She protects me and she really loves to sleep with me!!

And she REALLY loves my smelly diapers!

My grandma stayed with me for the first week. Mommy was really happy about that because Grandma helped put me back to sleep at night after mommy fed me and she made dinner and cleaned! But she couldn't stay for very long because my Auntie Beetle, my Uncle Rudy and my Uncle Robert needed her too!

But before she left my Grandpa came back to pick her up (and see me again of course!) and my Uncle Ryan came down from Austin with his girlfriend, Grace, to meet me! I have such a big family! Isn't it great?!

Does he looked scared to you??

It was really sad to see Grandma and Grandpa go....mommy cried...

But then Daddy got to stay home with me for a week so I was happy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robert says he's going by Uncle Bob