Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sleeping Through the First Month!!!

Now that Daddy is home with me mostly we just sleep....

And sleep....

And sleep....

Did I mention I like to sleep???

Mommy has to wake me up every few hours to make me eat. I'd rather sleep but I guess her milk is okay, so I don't mind eating every once in awhile!

...my fingers taste good too!!

And then I go right back to sleep!!

Here I am asleep while Mommy, Daddy and Aphrodite take a picture with me! Sleeping is what I do...

Sometimes Aphrodite protects me while I sleep...

Sometimes she just sleeps with me!

Bath time is my favorite part of the day!! I love that warm water...

Uncle Joseph and Auntie Joanna bought me this activity mat! It's pink and lots of fun!

The only problem is...everytime Mommy tries to give me some tummy time...I fall asleep!!

But I don't discriminate...I like to sleep with everybody!

But sometimes it's best to sleep alone...

Actually...I think I'd like to be left alone now!!! Maybe next month I'll be more awake!

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