Monday, September 1, 2008

Blowing Raspberries! and Playing Games! and a special surprise!

Aphrodite is the best sister! She kisses me ALOT...sometimes I don't mind and sometimes I don't like it!

It's fun to play with Daddy! I like to pull his hair!!!

Today I played a game with Mommy and Daddy! We played UNO....I'm not really sure what to do, but those cards sure do taste good!!

I love to practice blowing raspberries! Isn't it funny???! (There are two different short videos)

Daddy is always trying to get me to sleep! Doesn't he know I like to play all day long?

Mommy plays with me too, even though we don't have very many pictures of it! But here's some of me wrestling with her! I won!!! (but Mommy says it's because I play dirty and pull hair and bite!)

And now for my special surprise....

I am learning how to scoot!!! I can get around all by myself! Better baby proof the house really well now, Mommy!

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