Sunday, September 14, 2008

Almost 5 Months!!

Mommy has been really sad lately. She thinks I'm growing up too fast! But I don't see what the problem is...

We went to church this morning! I love to get dressed up and go see my fan club! There are always more people watching me and ignoring the pastor!! I guess I'm better entertainment! Mommy likes to paint my toenails...can you see them? They're pink! (of course)

Now that I can sit up pretty well, I get to start eating different foods with a spoon!! So far I've tried green beans and carrots! YUM!

I LOVE MY FOOD!!!!!!!!

Sometimes they aren't fast enough and that makes me so angry!

Aphrodite loves my food too! She's always sitting there waiting for her opening...

She likes to clean my face between bites! Hey, that's my food!!!!

Well, I guess it's okay since I'm finished now!

At night, after my bath and before I go to sleep, Mommy (and sometimes Daddy) always reads to me! First I get to pick out a book....

I almost always pick Goodnight Moon! Sometimes I get to read more than one or mommy will read me a big girl book! But tonight Daddy was home and he wanted to read with me!


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