Friday, September 12, 2008

New Toys and New Tricks

I've been a little bored lately, those baby toys weren't doing it for me anymore! So we went shopping and got this cool new toy that makes sounds and lights up and has lots of fun things to put in my mouth!

And Mommy pulled her two old cabbage patch dolls, Morley and Betty, out of the closet for me. I heard there are people out there who think I look like them!

And as always, Aphrodite is always fun to play with! See how she lets me pull her ears??

But my favorite new toy is my toes!

Which I can now reach much easier because I can sit up by myself!!

And Mommy finally caught me rolling onto my tummy from my back! I've been able to do this for awhile but nobody ever saw it cuz I only would do it at night in bed! But now I want to get around the house and this is the fastest way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! I love cabbage patch dolls and I TOTALLY think Nani looks just like one. :) And the baby picture of you is just like looking at Nani's! She is your mini me! I can't believe all the new things she has already learned. You've got a quick one on your hands!