Monday, October 6, 2008

Another Trip to Houston after Hurricane Ike

Mommy and Daddy didn't like that everyone stayed in Houston during Hurricane looked so scary on tv, but they just didn't want to leave!

But they survived! And since school was out and the stores were all closed and the lights were out all over Houston, my grandma and my auntie beetle and uncle rudy came to visit us!!

I really love my uncle Rudy!! I wanted to be with him the whole time!

But my auntie beetle isn't so bad...she's always trying to hold me!

After a few days, we all went back to Houston (except Daddy...he had to work). The lights at grandma's house worked, my auntie and uncles didn't have to go to school yet either, so it wasn't so bad visiting!

And the best part is that I went to my first football game! (I used to go all the time when I was still in mommy's belly). Mommy made me a cute outfit to wear! The skirt is still a little bit big, but I'll grow into it!

There was a band that played music and lots of people cheering and yelling! And some crazy old ladies who kept trying to sing the fight song!! They were sitting right next to me...mommy says they need more practice!

The game started after my usual bedtime, so I wasn't as good as I would have been at an earlier game, but I tried my hardest! I really liked watching the bands march!

I must have been good luck though cuz we won!!! Clear Brook upset Clear Creek!!! yay! I bet they want me to go to another game soon so they will win again! Mommy says we'll be going to the Homecoming game and that she will have to make a baby mum! Sounds like fun!!

We also got to visit my friends at Webster Presbyterian! Auntie Beetle took me to the front for children's time! There were lots of kids up there! One day I'll be old enough to go by myself!

We only stayed a week and then Daddy came to pick us up to go home!! We'll go back again soon though!

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